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Widower (The Laundromat Chonicles Book 4) Page 5

  “Yeah. See ya soon.” Without another word, she slides into her sports car and pulls away. I hustle back into the laundromat and will my clothes to wash and dry faster. As I’m waiting, I notice the old lady watching me.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, trying to keep it polite.

  “I’m Miss Ruby. Saw you here last week as well.”

  “Yeah, washer broke.” I shrug.

  “You’re interested in Amanda. I can see it,” she remarks gallantly.

  “Nah, we’re just friends. We actually just met here last week.” I attempt to turn away from the woman. Amanda and I are none of her business.

  “You can’t fool this old woman. I can see it. She likes you too.” She continues, no fucks given that I turned my back on her, signaling our short conversation was over.

  “I’m sorry and forgive me for being rude but what business is it of yours?” I spin back to face her, making a mental note not to bitch out an old lady. I’ve already made myself look like a first class fucker in front of Amanda. No reason to disrespect or piss off this old lady. However, I have no idea what makes her think her nosiness is welcome.

  “It’s not. I just make observations and I’m usually right. I’m sure you know she’s married, but I’m also sure you know she’s not happy.” Her lined mouth turns up into a knowing smile.

  “You really are a nosy old woman aren’t you?”

  “Maybe but when I see two sad souls look at one another the way you two did last week and today then I have to say something.” Her hands folded in her lap, her eyes never leaving mine.

  “Wait, what? She’s married. Are you telling me I should pursue a married woman?” I can’t hide my confusion and exasperation. This is the strangest conversation I’ve ever had in my life.

  “You can interpret my words any way you’d like but tell me something…” She pauses, obviously waiting for me to tell her my name.

  On a sigh I return, “Jase.”

  “Tell me something, Jase. If she was your wife, and you had the money her husband obviously has, would you let her do your laundry in this place? Broken machine or not? If he cared about that beautiful girl she’d have a new one the next day or their maid down here washing clothes.” I can’t contradict her. I had the exact same thought. It’s knowing he’s that piece of shit kind of man who sent his beautiful to this place that eased my conscience when I fucked his wife.

  “Can’t deny that. I thought the same thing. I’d never be okay with it if she was my girl,” I confirm, softening my tone with the old woman. Maybe she means well. She’s not calling me a bastard for chasing a married woman. I’ll give her that.

  “That’s because you’re a good man, Jase.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I can see it. Told you, I’m a very intuitive woman.” She offers me a warm smile that I can’t help but be drawn to.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Miss Ruby,” I tell her as my clothes finish washing.

  “Likewise, Jase. Maybe I’ll see you here again next week?” The hope in her voice is evident, and I can’t help but wonder why the hell she’s here. Much like Amanda, she’s got money. What is she doing hanging out in a laundromat?

  “Maybe,” is all I offer, not wanting our conversation to go much further. I have a beautiful woman waiting at the bar for me.


  The next four or five weeks are the same. I meet Amanda at the laundromat then we sneak out and rent the same room at the hotel to spend the night together. The sex is out of this world. The feel of her in my arms is heaven. There have been times I want to ask her when she’s going to leave her douchebag but for now I just want to enjoy my time with her.

  She’s happier every week and while I like to think it’s all because of me, I know it’s the friends she’s made at the laundromat. Miss Ruby, as nosy as I thought she was, is actually a very kind woman who has a way of bringing people together. We’ve sort of formed a small group of friends, all of us very different from the other.

  I’ve even opened myself up and feel like I’m making progress with letting people in. Cash, Miss Ruby’s grandson, and Hap, a young dude with a baby on the way, are both pretty cool. Hap and his girl are only eighteen and share an innocent kind of love and view of the world yet I admire them both. I can’t imagine bringing a baby into the world at their age, without the help of their families, but they’re doing it and doing it with love and class. Cash is a rich fucker but he doesn’t flaunt it which I know both Hap and I appreciate. The three of us sit around bullshitting while the women gossip and giggle. It’s comfortable. It’s easy being with these people.

  Amanda and I haven’t told the others about our affair. They all know she’s married, and we’d hate for them to think anything bad about either of us so for now we keep it quiet. With the exception of Miss Ruby. Being with Amanda has not only helped me learn to live again but to open up and give people a chance. I even invited Hap over for beers last week and confessed to him about Amanda and me as well as the story of Brit and Daniel. He’s a good kid. Wise beyond his years. We had a good time and made plans to get my boat out, maybe with Cash.

  Learning to live again hasn’t been easy, but it’s worth it. Never imagined I’d be hanging out with a group of misfits in a laundromat or screwing a rich, married woman, but that’s my life right now, and I’m finally content for the moment.

  “Meet you at the same place?” Amanda asks as I set her laundry in her trunk, a routine I look forward to.

  “Yeah, see you soon.” I want to kiss her goodbye but know we’re in too public of a place for that so I just walk away.

  Before I start my truck my phone rings. I don’t recognize the number and usually don’t answer those calls but something tells me I need to.


  “Is this Jase Chapman?” A woman’s voice asks.

  “It is. Who’s this?”

  “I prefer not to say my name but I have some information about your wife and son.”

  “What information? They died in a car accident over a year ago.”

  “It didn’t happen the way you were told. That’s all I can say. You’ll hear from me again. Bye, Jase.”

  The line went dead before I could respond. Immediately I called the number back. Straight to voicemail. What the fuck? Who the hell was that and why the hell is she bringing up Brit and Daniel?

  Read more about Amanda and her husband in Housewife coming October 11th.

  Get the first three novellas, available now on Amazon.











  Book 4! I can’t believe it! I’m so excited for this series and so thankful for all the people that have been a part of bringing it to life. Without all of you, none of this would be possible. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Love you all forever! Xoxoxo

  Other books by Angie Merriam can be found on Amazon just follow the below link.

  Neveah Series-Fantasy Romance

  A Broken Forever

  Standing Broken

  Breaking the Wicked

  Distilled Love Series-Adult Contemporary Romance

  Vodka Dreams

  Whiskey Songs

  Tequila Nights (coming soon)

  Sunshine Series-Murder Romance

  You Are My Sunshine

  Luna Tick

  Trish’s Gift (A novella)

  Never Say Goodbye-Standalone Rock Star Romance
/>   Follow Angie Merriam on Social Media




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